Sunday, July 15, 2012

What I Missed

I came home from Europe welcomed by this:

And this:

A walking, talking toddler who apparently eats her meals off the floor.

It didn't take long for Ev and I to get reacquainted and we've been seriously loving on each other ever since. Unfortunately I haven't been loving on my reality check, but I'm slowly getting my act together.

Although I will never forgive my husband, mother-in-law, and sister-in-law for letting Evie take her first steps without me present, I am indebted to them for taking such impeccable care of my precious. I know she was loved, squeezed, spoiled, and cared to the maximum for while I was gone.

I can't wait to elaborate on my trip, but I've got quite a bit of catching up to do on the dear old blog.
Here we go...


Anonymous said...

sooo im wondering how in the world you did your blog like this...pretty cool. and the video of her eating snacks off the floor is so priceless!

Emma said...

Walking Evie!!