Thursday, March 5, 2015

Mejores Amigos

Amigos? Amigas? 
Not sure, but either way, these girls are two peas in a pod.

They are SO different, but they harmonize like long lost chums. 
Evie is bold, loud and bossy.
Clarissa is sensitive, quiet and sweet.
Its like PB&J watching these two mesh together and I love it. Sure, they have fights like most toddlers, but for the most part they are inseparable. When Clarissa leaves, Evie hugs and kisses her goodbye. On Saturday, Evie asks me how many days until Clarissa comes over. One day when Clarissa was sick, Evie insisted we take her a treat to help her feel better.
It is such a devoted friendship.

Perhaps the only issue, besides the occasional disagreement, is Anna. Now that Evie has a constant playmate, she and Clarissa often leave Anna out. They shut the door on her and play on Evie's top bunk where Anna can't get to them. I've tried to get them to include her, but they seem intent on playing "big girl" things. I've also tried to point out to the older girls that they have plenty of playtime just the two of them while Anna naps, but according to Evie and Clarissa, "Anna ruins everything." It makes me sad to watch this happen, so I've tried to do crafts or activities that Anna can readily participate in. 
IE: Bead necklaces.

Its obviously an issue that will be ongoing. My sister and I fought constantly growing up over this and that. Notice, I said sister, not sisters. Chelsea, you know who you are...
However, we get along great (for the most part) now. But this is completely new territory for me as a mother. We have entered the realm of real, deep, hurt feelings and I'm learning to find the balance between overcompensating for Anna and letting the older girls have independent activities from their younger sister/playmate. 
I remember watching my two older sisters share social circles, secrets and jewelry, always wishing that I could be a part of it. And while its important to share and include everyone, its also important to foster confidence, which comes from a certain amount of independence. And I know I'm way over analyzing this minute issue, but I don't want Anna to constantly feel like she is left out. I also don't want Evie and Clarissa to believe that purposefully leaving someone out is acceptable behavior, either. 
In other words, parenting/caregiving is hard.

It has its perks though.

These two will be in the same grade (they are about six months apart) and I can't wait to watch them grow up together.

I've mentioned how challenging it is for me to get places sometimes. And while that is true, I love that Evie has a friend to do things with and that she has a peer to talk to. Sometimes I stand outside Ev's open bedroom door and listen to them play.

"Do you want to play Mommy and Kid?"
"Yeah, I'll be the kid."
"Okay, do you want to be a baby or just a kid?"
"I will be just a kid. But not a big kid. You have to be five to be a big kid. I'm three, so I'm just a kid."
"Okay kid, time for school..."

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