Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Practice Makes Perfect!

Okay! This is my first post on our blog! Let me say, I am very excited. Hopefully, it's all it's cracked up to be.  I am not sure why all my writing is underlined, so I'll just go with it. Nick and I just spent an awesome three-day weekend in California with the Jordans. We left Thursday after class and got in pretty late. We accomplished a lot of wedding stuff and even had time to play as you can see! We felt it would be best to go to the temple and practice taking "glamour shots" so that our pictures will be perfect on our wedding day. As you can see, it worked out pretty well for us. Nick planned a really sweet Valentine's day and recreated the day we got engaged. He even added a few extra things that I hope will become a tradition including breakfast in bed, painting my nails, and a foot massage! Melinda was so great to have all of us BYU co-eds for the weekend! For more on our California trip, see the smart family blog. 


Darcee said...

Those pictures are completely amazing. Good thing you are practicing for the big day, but seriously, i'm not sure if you can get better pictures than that. As the first visitor to your blog, i would like to receive some serious props.

Darrell said...

Pretty goofy pics, but when you're in love you can be pretty cheesy and no one really cares. Lay it on thick Sydbomb!